
Sharing a love of literacy.

Meet Indie Author

Holly Millward

My first trip to the library could have been my last. Outside, the day was warm and sunny, but inside the small, single room library, it was dark and cool. Two timeworn women sat behind the checkout desk, perched atop wooden stools like vultures. If there had been a third grey lady, and I had been acquainted with the stories of ancient… Read More »


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Urban Fantasy | Fantasy | Contemporary Romance

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The Cost of Art Under Conservative Control

I grew up in an extremely religious, conservative home. I know exactly what "art" through a conservative lens looks like—everything is off limits unless it serves the sole purpose of "glorifying God." [...]

Star-Crossed Stories

It's February, and this month, I'm featuring Star-Crossed Stories! Why? Valentine's Day. Duh. But anyway, I'm deep in the midst of writing a new book that I can't stop gushing about that [...]

The Literary Genius of “Willow”

There is an undeniable magic in words when they flow with the rhythm of emotion, when they weave imagery so vivid it feels like you’re standing in the heart of the story. [...]

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